Service Delivery Estimates

Here you will find service delivery times for most of our services. All times are estimates only and actual delivery time may vary depending on demand, quantity ordered, and further customizations selected. Many services will deliver faster than the estimated times below.

If your order is not completed by the below times, wait an additional 60 minutes and make sure to refresh your post/account before messaging support. Messaging support early can interrupt your order flow and cause delays! Make sure to include your order number # for all support requests.

Always include a screenshot of your current post, profile, or story insights if your question is related to an order for a service where the insights are not public and can only be seen by the account owner.


Steps to get your order delivered fast:

1. Make sure your account is public, available to all countries and ages. 

2. Enter the correct url/link/username when ordering.

3. Complete additional fields when required for the service.

🚫 Do not delete your post/link or make your account private before your service is delivered, or you forfeit the service and will not be refunded.

⚠️ All times are estimates, during updates or high-demand, some services can take up to 24-72 hours to deliver.


🔄 Automatic Services: Active within 6 hours of ordering


👥 Instagram FollowersUp to 1,000 - 5,000 per day

👍 Instagram Post LikesUp to 20,000 per 60-120 minutes

👍 Instagram Reels LikesUp to 20,000 per 60-120 minutes

👍 Instagram Comment Likes: Up to 1,000 per 120-240 minutes

🎥 Instagram Post ViewsUp to 100,000 per 60-120 minutes

🎥 Instagram Reels Views: Up to 1000,000 per 60-120 minutes

🎥 IGTV Views: Up to 50,000 per 60-120 minutes

🎥 Instagram Live Views: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

🎥👍 Instagram Live Likes: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

🎥 Instagram Story Views: Up to 10,000 per 60-120 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Impressions: Up to 10,000 per 120-240 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Reach: Up to 10,000 per 12-24 hours

⏫ Instagram Story Swipe Ups: Up to 5,000 per 60-180 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Sticker Link Clicks: Up to 5,000 per 60-180 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Shares: Up to 1,000 per 60-120 minutes

💬 Instagram Random Comments: Up to 250 within 60-120 minutes

💬 Instagram Custom Comments: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

💬 Instagram Verified Comments: Up to 10 within 72-240 hours

📣 Instagram Mentions: Up to 2,500 within 72-96 hours

🔒 Instagram Post Saves: Up to 5,000 per 60-120 minutes

🔒 Instagram Reels Saves: Up to 5,000 per 60-120 minutes

🔁 Instagram Post Shares: Up to 5,000 per 120-180 minutes

🔁 Instagram Reels Shares: Up to 5,000 per 120-180 minutes

👍 Instagram Post Impressions: Up to 5,000 per 60-240 minutes

👍 Instagram Post Impressions and Reach: Up to 5,000 per 60-240 minutes

👍 Instagram Reels Reach: Up to 5,000 per 60-240 minutes

👍 Instagram Profile VisitsUp to 10,000 within 120-240 minutes


👥 Threads FollowersUp to 1,000 - 5,000 per 24 hours

👍 Threads LikesUp to 2500 per 60-180 minutes

🔁 Threads RepostsUp to 500 within 4-24 hours

💬 Threads Positive Comments: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

💬 Threads Custom Comments: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

↗️ Threads Shares: Up to 500 per 120-180 minutes


🕒 TikTok LikesUp to 1,000 within 120-240 minutes

🕒 TikTok ViewsUp to 100,000 within 60-120 minutes

🕒 TikTok Live Stream Views: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

🕒 TikTok FollowersUp to 100-500 per day

🕒 TikTok Positive Comments: Up to 50 within 120-360 minutes

🕒 TikTok Custom Comments: Up to 50 within 24-72 hours

🕒 TikTok Shares: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

🕒 TikTok Saves: Up to 250 within 60-240 minutes

🕒 TikTok Downloads: Up to 250 within 120-240 minutes


🐦 🎥 Twitter Video ViewsUp to 100,000 per 60-120 minutes

🐦 👍 Twitter LikesUp to 100 within 2-12 hours

🐦 👍 Twitter RetweetsUp to 100 within 4-24 hours

🐦 👥 Twitter Followers: Up to 200-500 within 24 hours

🐦 💬 Twitter Comments: Up to 100 within 12-48 hours

🐦 👍 Twitter Impressions: Up to 10,000 per 60-120 minutes

🐦 🔢 Twitter Poll Votes: Poll must have at least 2 hours left


👍 Facebook Page LikesUp to 500 within 48-72 hours

👍 Facebook Post LikesUp to 500 within 60-120 minutes

🔁 Facebook Post Shares: Up to 250 within 24-72 hours

🎥 Facebook Video ViewsUp to 500 within 24-48 hours

🎥 Facebook Live Stream Views: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

💬 Facebook CommentsUp to 100 within 12-48 hours

📆 Facebook Events (Going / Interested)Up to 100-200 within 72-96 hours


🎥 YouTube LikesUp to 250 within 120-240 minutes

🎥 YouTube ViewsUp to 2,500 within 12-24 hours

🎥 YouTube Subscribers: Up to 50-100 within 24 hours

🎥 YouTube Comments: Up to 10-100 per 24 hours

Website Traffic

🖥 Traffic from GoogleUp to 1000 within 6-24 hours

Here you will find service delivery times for most of our services. All times are estimates only and actual delivery time may vary depending on demand, quantity ordered, and further customizations selected. Many services will deliver faster than the estimated times below.

If your order is not completed by the below times, wait an additional 60 minutes and make sure to refresh your post/account before messaging support. Messaging support early can interrupt your order flow and cause delays! Make sure to include your order number # for all support requests.

Always include a screenshot of your current post, profile, or story insights if your question is related to an order for a service where the insights are not public and can only be seen by the account owner.


Steps to get your order delivered fast:

1. Make sure your account is public, available to all countries and ages. 

2. Enter the correct url/link/username when ordering.

3. Complete additional fields when required for the service.

🚫 Do not delete your post/link or make your account private before your service is delivered, or you forfeit the service and will not be refunded.

⚠️ All times are estimates, during updates or high-demand, some services can take up to 24-72 hours to deliver.


🔄 Automatic Services: Active within 6 hours of ordering


👥 Instagram FollowersUp to 1,000 - 5,000 per day

👍 Instagram Post LikesUp to 20,000 per 60-120 minutes

👍 Instagram Reels LikesUp to 20,000 per 60-120 minutes

👍 Instagram Comment Likes: Up to 1,000 per 120-240 minutes

🎥 Instagram Post ViewsUp to 100,000 per 60-120 minutes

🎥 Instagram Reels Views: Up to 1000,000 per 60-120 minutes

🎥 IGTV Views: Up to 50,000 per 60-120 minutes

🎥 Instagram Live Views: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

🎥👍 Instagram Live Likes: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

🎥 Instagram Story Views: Up to 10,000 per 60-120 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Impressions: Up to 10,000 per 120-240 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Reach: Up to 10,000 per 12-24 hours

⏫ Instagram Story Swipe Ups: Up to 5,000 per 60-180 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Sticker Link Clicks: Up to 5,000 per 60-180 minutes

⏫ Instagram Story Shares: Up to 1,000 per 60-120 minutes

💬 Instagram Random Comments: Up to 250 within 60-120 minutes

💬 Instagram Custom Comments: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

💬 Instagram Verified Comments: Up to 10 within 72-240 hours

📣 Instagram Mentions: Up to 2,500 within 72-96 hours

🔒 Instagram Post Saves: Up to 5,000 per 60-120 minutes

🔒 Instagram Reels Saves: Up to 5,000 per 60-120 minutes

🔁 Instagram Post Shares: Up to 5,000 per 120-180 minutes

🔁 Instagram Reels Shares: Up to 5,000 per 120-180 minutes

👍 Instagram Post Impressions: Up to 5,000 per 60-240 minutes

👍 Instagram Post Impressions and Reach: Up to 5,000 per 60-240 minutes

👍 Instagram Reels Reach: Up to 5,000 per 60-240 minutes

👍 Instagram Profile VisitsUp to 10,000 within 120-240 minutes


👥 Threads FollowersUp to 1,000 - 5,000 per 24 hours

👍 Threads LikesUp to 2500 per 60-180 minutes

🔁 Threads RepostsUp to 500 within 4-24 hours

💬 Threads Positive Comments: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

💬 Threads Custom Comments: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

↗️ Threads Shares: Up to 500 per 120-180 minutes


🕒 TikTok LikesUp to 1,000 within 120-240 minutes

🕒 TikTok ViewsUp to 100,000 within 60-120 minutes

🕒 TikTok Live Stream Views: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

🕒 TikTok FollowersUp to 100-500 per day

🕒 TikTok Positive Comments: Up to 50 within 120-360 minutes

🕒 TikTok Custom Comments: Up to 50 within 24-72 hours

🕒 TikTok Shares: Up to 250 within 60-180 minutes

🕒 TikTok Saves: Up to 250 within 60-240 minutes

🕒 TikTok Downloads: Up to 250 within 120-240 minutes


🐦 🎥 Twitter Video ViewsUp to 100,000 per 60-120 minutes

🐦 👍 Twitter LikesUp to 100 within 2-12 hours

🐦 👍 Twitter RetweetsUp to 100 within 4-24 hours

🐦 👥 Twitter Followers: Up to 200-500 within 24 hours

🐦 💬 Twitter Comments: Up to 100 within 12-48 hours

🐦 👍 Twitter Impressions: Up to 10,000 per 60-120 minutes

🐦 🔢 Twitter Poll Votes: Poll must have at least 2 hours left


👍 Facebook Page LikesUp to 500 within 48-72 hours

👍 Facebook Post LikesUp to 500 within 60-120 minutes

🔁 Facebook Post Shares: Up to 250 within 24-72 hours

🎥 Facebook Video ViewsUp to 500 within 24-48 hours

🎥 Facebook Live Stream Views: Starts within 5 minutes of going live

💬 Facebook CommentsUp to 100 within 12-48 hours

📆 Facebook Events (Going / Interested)Up to 100-200 within 72-96 hours


🎥 YouTube LikesUp to 250 within 120-240 minutes

🎥 YouTube ViewsUp to 2,500 within 12-24 hours

🎥 YouTube Subscribers: Up to 50-100 within 24 hours

🎥 YouTube Comments: Up to 10-100 per 24 hours

Website Traffic

🖥 Traffic from GoogleUp to 1000 within 6-24 hours